[ID] NCPack- Flying Cupid Shoyru Toy


In stock



Username Format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Age: 7.5 years
Stamps in Stamp Album: 100
Access to Secret Laboratory Map: Yes
Shop Size: 30
Gallery Size: 30
Neopoints (OnHand+Bank+ShopTill+Stocks): 1,750,000 NP
Safety Deposit Box: Unique Items: 400 | Total Items: 1,300


Magma Scorchio
Striped Uni

Total Avatars: 145
Notable Avatars:

Notable Trophies:

Notable Items on the Account (Estimated Total Value: 125,000NP):

The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity Stamp – 125,000NP

Total Neocash Items: 50
Estimated Total NC Cap Value: 21 CAPS
Notable NC Items on the Account:

Flying Cupid Shoyru Toy
Spooky Portrait Hall Background
Golden Ball Gown
Jumpin Gem Heist Background
Valentine Heart Staff
Red Heart Vest and Shirt
Hannah and the Pirate Cave String Lights
Winter Breeze Face Paint
Valentine Boa
Snowbeast Feet Shoes
Bounty Hunter Wings
Red and Gold Shining Gift Box
Green Candy Striped Gift Box


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