[ID] NCPack- Coffin of Spooks


In stock



Username Format: xxxxxxxxxxx
Age: 10.5 years
Neodeck Cards: 240
Access to Secret Laboratory Map: Yes
Shop Size: 20
Safety Deposit Box: Unique Items: 1,000 | Total Items: 2,600

xxxxxxxxxx the Green Uni
Faerie Lupe
xxxxxxxxxx the Green Elephante
Faerie Aisha
Total Avatars: 65
Notable Avatars:

Notable Trophies:

Notable Items on the Account (Estimated Total Value: 175,000NP):

Guardian of Ice Magic – 175,000NP

Total Neocash Items: 50
Estimated Total NC Cap Value: 11 CAPS
Notable NC Items on the Account:

Coffin of Spooks
Defenders of Neopia Headquarters Background
Hidden Tower Background
Icy Cavern Background
Faerieland Library Background
Spinning Neopian Globe
Hearts Thought Bubble
Basic Gift Box
Basic Gift Box
Shining Purple Gift Box with Silver Bow


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