Unreleased Neoboard Avatars

nimmo_relax-6878093 nimmo_ryshu-5446160 plushie_eyrie-3993925 plushiedraik-7847262 quiggle_go_away-5549288 rainbowfountain-8894726
spardel_woof-7425815 wodf-3381827 zurroball-8530318 zurroballblink-9445732 chia_clown_haha-6949734 mr_insane-1295272 walkingcarpet_rawr-1174893
kass-2907415 quiggle_sup-1036996 buzzer_buzz-6579853 npv2-3964962 defenders-8018146 mysterious_grundo-1288861 sophie-2965404
These all have URL’s of “http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/avatars/…”

Will they ever be released? Maybe, maybe not. Some could just be prototypes and will be changed into something different. Only the Neopets team knows for sure.

Also, regarding the Zurroball Blink Avatar, NO you cannot get it by playing Zurroball… not at this time anyway. This was confirmed to us directly by a Neopets Staff member.