Neopets Gourmet Food Guide
To start, gourmet foods are any food item with a rarity between 90-100, so anything above or below those indices do not count as gourmet. These foods are sold all over Neopia and are some of rarest items on the whole site. If your pet eats enough of these foods, they’ll make it into the Gourmet Club Hall of Fame!
Things to know before you start gourmet clubbing:
- This is an extremely expensive hobby. *shivers in me timbers*
- Trophies are awarded to your pet and thus are found on their lookup, not your UL; gourmet status remains even if the pet switches owners or is sent to the pound.
- Retired gourmet foods are given new rarities (r180) and will not award gourmet points when eaten.
- r100s are glitched and are not visible to players in NPC shops, even when they have restocked; the Wheel of Extravagance is the only known method of obtaining them.
- Species with allergies are not recommended gourmet pets because of dietary barriers, but if a sick pet doesn’t bother you, proceed.
- The “Dying” hunger status is the recommended level to keep a gourmet pet because of how quickly the status level drops between “Starving” and “Dying” (~80 mins.).
- Some gourmet foods have other purposes, i.e. Draik Eggs hatching into Draiks, increasing market value.
- Kadoaties at the Kadoatery can request gourmet foods r90-95, which can impact market value.
- The Almost Abandoned Attic (accts 36mos+ can shop) is your best friend; check for gourmet deals daily (r90-99 only)
- Grarrls and Skeiths all-consuming behavior does not serve as an unfair advantage over other species, as only food items count towards the club.
- The aquatic restaurant kelp. serves fancy, expensive foods, but leftovers have a rarity index of r101 and therefore do not count as gourmet foods.
- Highly recommend using JellyNeo’s Gourmet Foods Checklist ( as the Club’s log displays images of the food eaten without names.
Gourmet Club Trophies
200th-18th place | 17th-9th place | 8th-4th place | 3rd-1st place |
1,423 Active Gourmet Foods
If you’d like to feed your pet all the gourmet foods available, I’d suggest having at least 500M-1B neopoints at the ready.
Newly Added Foods
Foods include release date and official shop of sale.
Sept. 12, 2023Marble Draik Egg r98 $$$$$ Merifoods | August 1, 2023Magical Potato Chia Pop r99 $$$$$ SHIFSS | April 28, 2023Gourmet Carrot Cake r93 $$-$$$$ The Bakery | Feb. 22, 2023Magical Sroom Chia Pop r99 $$$$$ SHIFSS | Aug. 2, 2022Meridell Darigan Collab Cake r90 $$ Merifoods |
June 3, 2022Faerie Queen Smoothie Bowl r96 $$$ Faerie Foods | March 18, 2022Illusens Green Goddess Potato Salad r93 $ Merifoods | March 2, 2022Simmered Tropical Fruit Bowl r96 $$$$ Tropical Foods | Feb. 23, 2022Magical Juppie Swirl Chia Pop r99 $$$$ SHIFSS | Feb. 22, 2022Magical Coconut Chia Pop r99 $$$$ SHIFSS |
Feb. 5, 2022Purple Potato Aperitif r93 $$$$ Neopian Fresh Foods | Dec. 22, 2021Borovan Hot Chocolate Bomb r97 $$$$ Neopian Fresh Foods | Sep. 16, 2020Chocolate Blossom r92 $$$ Chocolate Factory | Aug. 12, 2020Kastraliss Snack r90 $ Brightvale Fruit | Nov. 2, 2019Halloween Oranges r90 $ Spooky Foods |
Shop Link: Neopian Fresh Foods
271 Foods
Apple Rigamaroll r90 $ | Banana Achyfi r90 $ | Battle Duck Negg r90 $$$ | Beef Wellington r90 $ | Breakfast Cake r90 $ |
Buzz Bread Salad r90 $ | Buzz Dung Cone r90 $ | Buzz Mashed Potato r90 $ | Caramel Chia Parfait r90 $ | Cheddar Kacheek Cheese r90 $ |
Cheese and Pickle Packed Lunch r90 $ | Cheese Rigamaroll r90 $ | Cheesy Kois r90 $ | Chocolate Covered Toffee r90 $ | Chocolate Kau Milk r90 $ |
Clam and Meatball Pizza r90 $ | Congratulations Negg r90 $ | Continuous Meat r90 $ | Cookie Negg r90 $ | Cuc.umber Salad r90 $ |
Dark Chocolate Covered Toffee r90 $ | Deceptive Soup r90 $ | Dipping Apples r90 $ | Egg Salad Packed Lunch r90 $ | Fancy Rack of Lamb r90 $ |
Festive Faerie Fizz r90 $ | Fried Something Something r90 $$ | Garlicy Mushrooms r90 $ | Gooey Green Shake r90 $ | Gooseberry Jam Packed Lunch r90 $ |
Gr.ape Juice Sippy Cup r90 $ | Gr.apeade r90 $ | Green Scorchipepper r90 $ | Ham and Mustard Packed Lunch r90 $ | Hasee Puff Cereal r90 $ |
Hidden Treasure Pasta r90 $ | Hot Fudge Sundae r90 $ | Kau Ice Lolly r90 $ | Knowledge Hungry Burger r90 $ | Maple Syrup Negg r90 $$$ |
Mosaic Negg r90 $ | Pickled Onion_ r90 $ | Pumpkin Bread r90 $ | Quadruple Scoop of Sorbet r90 $ | Raspberry Sundae r90 $ |
Rock Negg r90 $$$ | Seasoned Curly Chips r90 $ | Shell Lollypop r90 $ | Slorg Biscuits r90 $ | Snot Fries r90 $ |
Spicy Purblare Juice r90 $ | Squid Sauce r90 $ | Star Shaped Cheeseburger r90 $ | Strawberry and Orange Blend r90 $ | Strawberry JubJub Sundae r90 $ |
Swirly Chocolate Milk r90 $ | Tall Stack of Mutant Pancakes r90 $ | Tomato Baby Food r90 $ | Turkey Dinner r90 $ | Turnip Eyrie Souffle r90 $ |
Vanilla Neocola r90 $$ | Veggie Burger r90 $ | Waffle Burger r90 $$ | White Chocolate Asparagus Souffle r90 $ | White Chocolate Covered Toffee r90 $ |
Apple Juice Sippy Cup r91 $ | Asparagus Borovan Lasagne r91 $$$ | Bacon Taco r91 $$ | Baked Avocado with Curried Sauce r91 $ | Buzz Sandwich r91 $$ |
Chocolate Shoyru Meatball r91 $$ | Faeriemoya r91 $$ | Flied Rice r91 $$ | Flotsam Fin Soup r91 $$ | Fried Negg Sandwich r91 $$$ |
Fruit Tart r91 $$ | Kyrii Agueena Milkshake r91 $$ | Lutari Fizz r91 $$ | Meerca Bolognese r91 $$ | Nimmo Day Fruit Cake r91 $$ |
Noil Candy Floss r91 $$ | Purple Carrot r91 $$ | Roast Chestnut Neggnog r91 $$ | Spicy Kau Burger r91 $ | Squibble Berry Sandwich r91 $$ |
Stuffed Chokatos r91 $$ | Techo Jelly Surprise r91 $$ | Thistleberry Sandwich r91 $$ | Turkey Drumstick Dinner r91 $$ | Uni Ice Cream r91 $$$ |
Unripe Puntec Wrap r91 $$ | Watermelon Maraquan Shoyru r91 $$$ | Wocky Plum Pudding r91 $$ | Cawl r92 $$ | Cheesy Choco Cookie r92 $$$ |
Chokato Neggnog r92 $$ | Deluxe Elephante Cake r92 $$ | Deluxe Peophin Burger r92 $$$ | Evil Popcorn r92 $$$ | Extra Fancy Cr.ackers r92 $$$ |
Fall Leaf Salad r92 $$$ | Fire Carrot r92 $$$ | Flower Nectar r92 $$$ | French Toast PB&J Sandwich r92 $$$ | Grey Waffles r92 $$$ |
Heart Shaped Negg r92 $$$ | JubJub Coconut Juice r92 $$$ | Kau Waffles r92 $$$ | Mynci Fruit Kebab r92 $$ | Mynci Surprise Ice Cream r92 $$$ |
Peach Jelly r92 $$$ | Peanut Dash Stir Fry r92 $$$ | Peppered Salmon Dish r92 $$$ | Petpet Cr.ackers r92 $$$ | Raspberry Jam r92 $$$ |
Ruki Salad r92 $$$ | Snotty Vira Onion_ r92 $ | Steak Negg r92 $$$ | Strawberry Taco r92 $$$ | Super Icy Custard r92 $ |
Tasty Guacamole r92 $$$ | Thorn on the Cob r92 $$$ | Twin Salad r92 $$ | Watermelon Roll r92 $$ | Welsh Rarebit r92 $$$ |
Baby Elephante Milk Bottle r93 $$ | Cybunny Carrot Stew r93 $$ | Donut Burger r93 $$$ | Funnydew Neggnog r93 $$$ | Illusens Family Recipe Cake r93 $$$$ |
Jalapeno Kacheek Cheese r93 $$$ | Neopets 18th Birthday Cake r93 $$$ | Purple Potato Aperitif r93 $$$$ | Square Meat r93 $$$ | Tchea Toffee Apple r93 $$$$ |
Watermelon Jetsam r93 $$ | Chilli Salmon Souffle r94 $$$ | Container of Purple Liquid r94 $$$$ | Grey Toast r94 $$$$ | Honey and Bacon Burger r94 $$$$ |
Le Sausage r94 $$$ | Puntec Parcel r94 $$$ | Rainbow Apple r94 $$$$ | Raspberry Toffee Apple r94 $$$$ | Starry Cupcake r94 $$$$ |
Starry Scorchipepper r94 $$$ | Upside Down Ice Cream r94 $$$$ | Blue Cybunny Negg r95 $$$$ | Chokato Toffee Apple r95 $$$$ | Flaming Tuskaninny Ice Cream r95 $$$$ |
Glowing Apple r95 $$$$ | Grey Eggs and Bacon r95 $$ | Happy Anniversary Negg r95 $$$$ | Kadoatie Biscuits r95 $$$$ | Mega Manoroot Sandwich r95 $$$$ |
Mega Pipper Sandwich r95 $$$ | Mutated Negg r95 $$$$ | Rainbow Negg r95 $$$ | Tigersquash Custard r95 $$$$ | Acara Ice Cream Surprise r96 $$$ |
Assorted Vandagyre Approved Nuts r96 $$$ | Exotic Plant r96 $$ | Fancy Rack of Lamb with Fruit r96 $$$ | Frozen Veggie Delight r96 $$$ | Green Ham r96 $$$ |
Ice Apple r96 $$$ | Lawyerbot Degreaser r96 $$$ | Leftover Shortcrust Pastry r96 $$$ | Meerca Apertif r96 $$$ | Pirate Negg r96 $$$ |
Pretty Purple Princess Negg r96 $$$$ | Rainbow Neggnog r96 $$$ | Red Picnic Hamper r96 $$$ | Seaw.eed Flotsam Burger r96 $$$ | Zeenana Toffee Apple r96 $$$ |
Bangers and Mash r97 $$$ | Black Caviar r97 $$$ | Blue Picnic Hamper r97 $$$ | Borovan Hot Chocolate Bomb r97 $$$$ | Carrot Crown r97 $$$ |
Cheesy Krawk Dip r97 $$$ | Chocolate Coated Tangy Cheese r97 $$$ | Christmas Pattern Negg r97 $$$$ | Cybunny Day Canape r97 $$$ | Fire Apple r97 $$$ |
Illusen Negg r97 $$$$ | Island Meatloaf r97 $$$ | Lenny Salad r97 $$$ | Steak Surprise r97 $$$ | Uni Salad r97 $$$ |
Wocky Steak r97 $$$ | Cheesy Carrot Chunks r98 $$$$ | Cheesy Chocoshake r98 $$$$ | Cheesy Chokato Pie r98 $$$$ | Cheesy Strawberry Slice r98 $$$$ |
Chocolate Coated Cheese r98 $$$$ | Chocolate Coated Holey Cheese r98 $$$$ | Fun Icy Cheese Pop r98 $$$$ | Invisible Cookie r98 $$$$ | Mega Tuna Sandwich r98 $$$$ |
Pizza Sandwich r98 $$ | Puntec Cupcake r98 $$$$ | Purple Picnic Hamper r98 $$$$ | Ultimate Icy Negg r98 $$$ | Animal-style Chips r99 $$$$ |
Big Gulp Neocola r99 $$$$$ | Black Currant Juice r99 $$$$ | BLT Croissant r99 $$$$ | Borovan Layered Cake r99 $$$$ | Candy Floss Carrot r99 $$$$ |
Chain of Onions_ r99 $$$$$ | Chicken Filets with Fancy Sauce r99 $$$$$ | Chocolate Coated Blue Cheese r99 $$$$ | Chocolate Coated Cheese Strings r99 $$$$ | Diet Big Gulp Neocola r99 $$$$$ |
Egg and Tomato Sandwich r99 $$$$$ | Golden Caviar r99 $$$$ | Green Picnic Hamper r99 $$$$$ | Jelly Negg r99 $$$$$ | Mega Sandwich r99 $$$$$ |
Mighty Steakwich r99 $$$$ | Olivetato r99 $$$$ | Onion and Mustard Pie r99 $$$$ | Plum r99 $$$$ | Polka Carrot r99 $$$$ |
Puzzle Fruit r99 $$$$ | Rainbow Carrot r99 $$$$ | Rainbow Cybunny Negg r99 $$$$$ | Banana Grub r100 $ | Fish Negg Stew r100 $$$$$ |
Leaf Taco r100 $$$$ | Lime Negg r100 $$$$$ | Chocolate Sandwich r100 $$$$$ | Chocolately Cheese Wedges r100 $$$$$ | Golden Dubloon Foods r100s $-$$$$ |
Shop Link: Chocolate Factory
123 Foods
Baby Cabbage Jelly Beans r90 $ | Barbed Wire Black Licorice r90 $ | Blueberry Gummy Slorg r90 $ | Blumaroo Cotton Candy r90 $ | Buzz Chocolate Bar r90 $ |
Candy Pirate Earrings r90 $ | Candy Whistle r90 $ | Charcoal Jelly Beans r90 $ | Chocolate Achyfi Lollypop r90 $ | Chocolate Balthazar r90 $ |
Dark Chocolate Poogle r90 $ | Dark Chocolate Tuskaninny r90 $ | Dark Chocolate Zafara r90 $ | Destruct-O Chocolate Squares r90 $ | Green Apple Aisha Lollypop r90 $ |
Juppiemint Bar r90 $ | Kikopop r90 $ | Large White Chocolate Cybunny r90 $ | Lemon Pinchit Lollypop r90 $ | Lemon Sherbert Jelly Beans r90 $ |
Mint Chocolate Kacheek r90 $ | Orange Chocolate Pyramid r90 $ | Orange Chocolate Scorchio r90 $ | Orange Gummy Slorg r90 $ | Orange Gummy Stamp r90 $ |
Peanut Butter Gormball Truffle r90 $$ | Peophin Chocolate Medallion r90 $ | Raspberry and Vanilla Nova r90 $ | Red Buzz Lolly r90 $ | Sweet Necklace r90 $ |
Thornberry Candy Gavel r90 $ | Uni Sugar Skull r90 $ | Walking Carpet Cotton Candy r90 $ | Blueberry Gummy Stamp r91 $ | Dark Chocolate Scorchio r91 $ |
Dark Chocolate Shoyru r91 $ | Jelly Bean Pirate Chest r91 $ | Mint Chocolate Lupe r91 $ | Mint Chocolate Tuskaninny r91 $ | Toffee Dubloon r91 $ |
Ummagine Candy Cane r91 $ | White Chocolate Lutari r91 $ | Chocolate Blossom r92 $$$ | Chocolate King Skarl r92 $ | Codestone Truffle r92 $ |
Dark Chocolate Lutari r92 $ | Dark Chocolate Skeith r92 $ | Fluff N Stuff Grarrl Gobstopper r92 $ | Kougra Sugar Skull r92 $ | Lime Skidget Lolly r92 $ |
Lost City Lanes Lime Gobstopper r92 $$ | Mint Chocolate Blumaroo r92 $ | Mud Lollipop r92 $$ | Orange Chocolate Tuskaninny r92 $ | Strawberry Fondant Surprise r92 $ |
White Chocolate Nova r92 $ | Apple and Custard Drops r93 $$ | Banana Jelly Flotsam r93 $$ | Cherry Aboogala Lolly r93 $$ | Chocolate Maractite Coins r93 $$ |
Gnorbu Lollipop r93 $ | Kau Sundae r93 $$ | Miniature Chocolate Chocolate Factory r93 $$ | Mint Chocolate Chia r93 $ | Neverending Jar of Jellybeans r93 $$ |
Raspberry Chocolate Tuskaninny r93 $ | Sugar Moehog Skull r93 $$ | Bullseyes r94 $$ | Cherry Meerca Gobstopper r94 $$ | Chocolate Jeran r94 $$ |
Draik Sugar Skull r94 $$$ | Gnorbu Gum r94 $$ | Large Swirly Chocolate Cybunny r94 $$ | Lemon Bumbluz Lolly r94 $ | Mint Chocolate Peophin r94 $$ |
Minty Choccywhip r94 $$ | Chocolate Cybunny Negg r95 $$$ | Chocolate Dr Sloth r95 $$$ | Gr.ape Gummy Slorg r95 $$ | Orange Scoach Lolly r95 $$$ |
Super Spicy Jelly Beans r95 $$$ | Yummy Drops r95 $$$ | Angry Candy r96 $$ | Chocolate Peach r96 $$$ | ErgyFruit Jelly Beans r96 $$$ |
Hazelnut Whirl r96 $$$ | Marshmallow Plumpy r96 $$$$ | Snowflake Chocolate Advent Calendar r96 $$$ | Caramel and Custard Drops r97 $$$ | Cherry Mootix Lollypop r97 $$ |
Creamy Choccywhip r97 $$$ | Holiday Bell Chocolate Advent Calendar r97 $$$ | Omnipotent Onion Grarrl Gobstopper r97 $$$ | Spooky Flying Doughnut r97 $$$ | Sugar Tonu Skull r97 $$$ |
Chocolate Advent Calendar r98 $$$$ | Chocolate Crown of Sinsi r98 $$$$ | Chocolate Ruki Kit r98 $$$$ | Orange Lightmite Lollypop r98 $$$$ | Apple Moquot Lollypop r99 $$$$ |
Candy Cane Chocolate Advent Calendar r99 $$$$ | Chocolate Crown of the Faeries r99 $$$$$ | Chocolate Moltenore r99 $$$$ | Deluxe Strawberry Toffee Chokato r99 $$$$ | Double Chocolate Jelly Beans r99 $$$$ |
Fishy Delight Grarrl Gobstopper r99 $$$$ | Neotruffle r99 $$$$ | Rainbow Candy Floss r99 $$$$$ | Sniddberry Meerca Gobstopper r99 $$$$ | All Easter Cybunny Neggs r100 $$$$ |
Choco Spray r100 $$$$$ | Chococherry Blumaroo Ears r100 $$$$$ | Chocolate Gum r100 $$$$$ | Chocolate Lipstick r100 $$$$$ | Chocolate Peanuts With Peas r100 $$$$$ |
Chocoon r100 $$$$$ | Crunchy Chocolate Grarrl r100 $$$$$ |
Baked Foods
Shop Link: The Bakery
152 Foods
Blueberry-Smothered French Toast r90 $$ | Blumaroo Cookie r90 $ | Brightvale Berry Pudding r90 $ | Chocolate Chia Waffles r90 $ | Chocolate Chip Yurble Gnome Cookie r90 $$ |
Chocolate Coconut Bars r90 $ | Chocolate Dipped Madeleines r90 $ | Chocolate Elephante Ear r90 $$ | Chocolate Meerca Roll r90 $$ | Chocolate Shoyru Muffin r90 $$ |
Chokato Kau Cream Cake r90 $ | Chokato Skeith Iced Bun r90 $ | Christmas Pudding r90 $ | Cloud Muffin r90 $ | Compass Cake r90 $ |
Deluxe Acara Sundae r90 $ | Deluxe Chia Cake r90 $ | Deluxe Strawberry Usul Cake r90 $ | Eyrie Meringue r90 $ | Faellie Christmas Cookie r90 $$ |
Faerie Grundo Sugar Cookie r90 $$ | Fresh Strawberry Doughnut r90 $ | Gelert Cupcake r90 $ | Ghostkercreme Puff r90 $ | Holiday Wocky Cake r90 $$ |
Kiko Paw Cake r90 $ | Korbat Grave Cake r90 $ | Large Chia Cake r90 $ | Lemon Cupcake r90 $ | Lupe Bone Cake r90 $ |
Meepit Juice Break Marshmallow r90 $ | Minty Meerca Mini Cake r90 $ | Moehog Sparkler Cake r90 $ | Moehog Sundae r90 $ | Orange Chia Cake r90 $ |
Pine Cone Cake r90 $$ | Pineapple Muffin r90 $ | Popcorn Cupcake r90 $$ | Rhubarb and Custard Pretzel r90 $ | Roast Ummagine Pastry Roll r90 $ |
Seaw.eed Krawk Cake r90 $ | Slice Of Pea Pie r90 $ | Squirming Squid Pasty r90 $ | Strawberry Koi Cupcake r90 $$ | Strawberry Poogle Biscuit r90 $ |
Strawberry Tonu Foot Shortcake r90 $ | Sugary Sausage Roll r90 $ | Tchea Fruit Pasty r90 $ | Tigerbuggle Scorchio Cookie r90 $ | Tigersquash Pretzel r90 $ |
Vanilla Drum Cake r90 $$ | Asparagus Chocolate Cupcake r91 $ | Caramel Poogle Biscuit r91 $ | Chocolate Chia Pancakes r91 $ | Chocolate Orange Ganache Cake r91 $$ |
Chocolate Raspberry Ganache Cake r91 $$ | Dice Escape Coffee Cake r91 $ | Iced Tuskaninny Cake r91 $ | Kacheek Cake Mix Cookies r91 $$ | Kiko Day Cake r91 $ |
Kyrii Cream Parfait r91 $ | Minimalist Cake r91 $ | Orange Krawk Cake r91 $ | Parmesan Herb Bread r91 $$ | Peophin-shaped Souffle r91 $ |
Rainbow Gelert Day Pancakes r91 $ | Thistleberry Pie r91 $ | Toast With Au Jus r91 $ | Zafara Cherry Strudel r91 $ | Banana Split Swiss Roll r92 $$ |
Caramel Skeith Surprise r92 $ | Carrot Shoyru Muffin r92 $$ | Chocolate Krawk Cake r92 $ | Chokato Swirl Pretzel r92 $ | Custard Doughnut r92 $ |
Extra Meaty Sausage Roll r92 $ | Grey Grundo Muffin r92 $$ | Grilled Cheese Chomby Sandwich r92 $ | Hazelnut Banana Crepe r92 $$ | Kacheek Harffel Fruit Sandwich r92 $ |
Lenny Fruit Tiramisu r92 $ | Loaf Of Pea Bread r92 $ | Plain Nerkmid Biscuit r92 $ | Poogle Biscuit r92 $ | Snacking Bread r92 $$ |
Snowberry Quiggle Cake r92 $ | Sour Uni Cake r92 $ | Spicy Juppie Pasty r92 $ | Super Deluxe Maraquan Victory Cake r92 $ | Thistleberry Crepe r92 $$ |
Tiered Neopets 8th Birthday Cake r92 $$ | Toast With Cheese r92 $ | Explosive New Year Cake r93 $$$ | Gourmet Carrot Cake r93 $$$$ | Grunion Fruit Krawk Cake r93 $$ |
Iced Nerkmid Biscuit r93 $$ | Illusen Waffle r93 $$ | Moehog Surprise r93 $ | Pteri Seed Cake r93 $$ | Strawberry Shimmer Cake r93 $$ |
Strawberry Skeith Biscuit r93 $$ | Tigersquash Blumaroo Biscuit r93 $ | Toast A La King r93 $ | Ultranova Sponge Cake r93 $ | Angry Cinnamon Roll r94 $$ |
Babaa Cake r94 $ | Borovan Cupcake r94 $$$ | Choccy Chip Skeith Biscuit r94 $$ | Chocolate Chip Nerkmid Biscuit r94 $$$ | Flaming Super Hot Pasty r94 $ |
Kacheek Ombus Fruit Sandwich r94 $$$ | Transparaberry Hot Cross Buns r94 $$ | Bluepepper Muffin r95 $$$ | Cranky Croissant r95 $$$ | Desert Dessert r95 $$$ |
Snowy Pancakes r95 $$$ | Sugar Nerkmid Biscuit r95 $$$ | Doglefox Bread Creature r96 $$$ | Haiku Dessert r96 $$$ | Hostile Quiche r96 $$$ |
Kacheek Baby Cabbage Sandwiches r96 $$$ | Lime Chomby Cake r96 $$$ | Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich r96 $$$ | Fyora Cookies r97 $$$ | Irate Zafara Claw r97 $$$ |
Red PaintBrush Cookie r97 $$$ | Blue PaintBrush Cookie r98 $$$ | Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake r98 $$$$ | Chocolate Stuffed Pastry r98 $$$$ | Frosted Babaa Cookies r98 $$$$ |
Kacheek Fruit Salad Sandwich r98 $$$$ | Pterimisu r98 $$$$ | Scamander Cookies r98 $$$$ | Vionanna Mince Pie r98 $$$$ | Blackberry Eyrie Cookie r99 $$$$$ |
Blueberry Deluxe Cake r99 $$$$ | Buttered Juppie Waffle r99 $$$$ | Chia Cake r99 $$$$ | Chocolate Chip Eyrie Cookie r99 $$$$ | Chocolate Chip Quiggle Cookie r99 $$$$ |
Chocolate Cream Biscuit r99 $$$$ | Chokato Deluxe Aisha Cake r99 $$$$ | Cinnamon Eyrie Cookie r99 $$$$$ | Dargil Meat Mince Pie r99 $$$$ | Double Cream Vanilla Sponge r99 $$$$$ |
Gooseberry Crepe r99 $$$$ | Gr.apefruit Cake r99 $$$$ | Meepit Muffins r99 $$$$$ | Minty Eyrie Cookie r99 $$$$ | Stack It High Cake r99 $$$$ |
Triple Choco-Strawberry Cake r99 $$$$ | Creamy Chocolate Pie r100 $$$$$ |
Healthy Foods
Shop Link: Neopian Health Foods
73 Foods
Acara Cabbage Cake r90 $ | Asparagus Wrap r90 $ | Chocolate Stuffed Orange r90 $ | Crying Corn r90 $ | Cube-Shaped Strawberry r90 $ |
Cybunny Carrot Burger r90 $ | Depressed Potato r90 $ | Figcorn r90 $ | Frozen Fruit Popsicle r90 $ | Honey Yurble r90 $ |
Jelly Covered Greycorn r90 $ | Lentil Cake r90 $ | Meatier Asparagus Dish r90 $ | Meriberry Dressing r90 $ | Organic Peanut r90 $ |
Parsnip Pie r90 $ | Pineapple Rice Bowl r90 $ | Sobbing Onion_ r90 $ | Weeping Broccoli r90 $ | Natural Springabee Honey r91 $ |
Organic Pecan r91 $ | Sesame Pistachio Cake r91 $ | Stuffed Olive Salad r91 $ | -invalid_words- Apple Tree Broccoli r92 $$ | Baked Avocado Crisps r92 $ |
Cinnamon Oatmeal r92 $ | Cube-Shaped Orange r92 $ | Glowing Pre-Sliced Mushrooms r92 $ | Moehog Rice Cakes r92 $ | Organic Walnut r92 $ |
Pumpcorn r92 $ | Baby Cabbage with Gravy r93 $ | Green Tea Spaghetti r93 $ | Harffel Fruit Oatmeal r93 $ | Honey Bearog r93 $ |
Honey Vandagyre r93 $ | Tomato Basil Salad r93 $ | Cube-Shaped Lemon r94 $ | Organic Spinach Salad r94 $ | Black Mushroom r95 $$ |
Cabbage Cupcake r95 $ | Cone-Shaped Watermelon r95 $ | Cube-Shaped Cherry r95 $ | Radish Pie r95 $ | Baked Apple with Snowberries r96 $$ |
Cheesy Broccoli Bite r96 $$ | Cone-Shaped Strawberry r96 $$ | Radish Meringue r96 $$ | Broccoli Kebab r97 $$ | Cone-Shaped Orange r97 $$ |
Fresh Sushi Roll r97 $$ | Broccoli and Mustard Sandwich r98 $$$ | Cone-Shaped Lemon r98 $$$ | Fresh Sushi Cone r98 $$$ | Radish and Cheese r98 $$$ |
Artichoke and Onion Surprise r99 $$$$ | Artichoke Cupcake r99 $$$$ | Artichoke Fondue r99 $$$$ | Asparagus Ball.s r99 $$$$ | Asparagus Pie r99 $$ |
Broccoli with Sprinkles r99 $$$$ | Cauliflower Lolly r99 $$$$ | Cauliflower Shake r99 $$$ | Cauliflower Soup r99 $$$$ | Cheesy Asparagus r99 $$$$ |
Cheesy Carrots r99 $$$$ | Cone-Shaped Cherry r99 $$$$ | Four Layer Carrot Cake r99 $$$$ | French Onion Soup r99 $$$$ | Luxury Cabbage Cake r99 $$$$ |
Pickled Cauliflower r99 $$$$ | Souper Bowl r99 $$$$ | Tomato Kebab r99 $$$$ |
Shop Link: Smoothie Store
13 Foods
Agueena Smoothie r90 $ | Boingari Smoothie r90 $ | Fresh Tomato Smoothie r90 $ | Kiwi-Mango Smoothie r90 $ | Sweet and Sour Smoothie r90 $ |
Berry Melon Spinach Leek Smoothie r91 $ | Illusen Smoothie r91 $ | Pumpkin Smoothie r93 $$ | Large Melon Berry Spinach Leek Smoothie r94 $$ | Large Sand Smoothie r98 $$$ |
Mega Honeyplume Smoothie r99 $$$$ | Mega Lemon Blitz Smoothie r99 $$$ | Mega Salmon Sherbert Smoothie r99 $$$ |
Hot Dogs
Shop Link: Hubert’s Hot Dogs
47 Foods
Deluxe Burger Dog r90 $ | Lunch Hot Dog r90 $ | Mozzarella Basil Hot Dog r90 $ | Rainbow Hot Dog r90 $ | Seafarers Hot Dog r90 $ |
Taco Hot Dog r90 $ | Apple Hot Dog r91 $ | Breakfast Hot Dog r91 $$ | Caviar Hot Dog r91 $$ | Franks and Cheesy Pasta r91 $ |
Hotdog with Embellish r91 $ | Polka Dot Hot Dog r91 $ | Sushi Hot Dog r91 $ | BBQ Onion Hot Dog r92 $$ | Beans and Tuna Jacket Potato r92 $ |
Faerie Hot Dog r92 $ | Maractite Hot Dog r92 $ | Megachilli Hot Dog r92 $ | Guacamole Injected Hot Dog r93 $ | Deluxe Jacket Potato r94 $ |
Snot Dog r94 $$ | 14 Karat Baked Potato r95 $$ | Healthy Grass Hot Dog r95 $ | Huberts Special Hot Dog r95 $ | Rambus Hot Dog r95 $ |
Dessert Hot Dog r96 $$ | Happiness Faerie Dog r96 $$ | Mustard and Tofu Hot Dog r96 $$ | Platinum Silver Hot Dog r96 $$ | Shrimp Salad Hot Dog r96 $$ |
Honey Coated Hot Dog r97 $$ | Sloth Dog r97 $$ | Stone Hot Dog r97 $$ | Strawberry Flavoured Hot Dog r97 $$ | Hot Dog with Everything r98 $$$ |
Natural Hot Dog r98 $$$ | Salt Water Hot Dog r98 $$$ | Stealthy Hot Dog r98 $$$ | Big Beefy Hot Dog r99 $$$ | Burning Hot Dog r99 $$$$ |
Diamond Hot Dog r99 $$$$ | Linked Hot Dogs r99 $$$$ | Mecha Hot Dog r99 $$$$ | Mini Baby Hot Dogs r99 $$$$ | Punk Rocker Hot Dog r99 $$$$ |
Well-Aged Hot Dog r99 $$$$ | Mummified Hot Dog r100 $$$$$ |
Shop Link: Pizzaroo
33 Foods
Four Dirt Pizza Block r90 $ | Mac and Cheese Pizza r90 $ | Peas and Corn Pizza r90 $ | Smiley Pizza r90 $ | Spaghetti and Meatba.lls Pizza r90 $ |
Whole White Pizza r90 $ | Bullseye Pizza r91 $ | Whole Garden Fresh Pizza r91 $ | Whole Pepperoni and Mushroom Pesto Pizza r91 $ | Whole Yummy Cloud Pizza r91 $ |
Jelly Bean Pizza r92 $ | Whole Cheesesteak Pizza r92 $ | Frog Leg Pizza r93 $ | Rainbow Melt Pizza r93 $$ | Tigerbuggle Pizza r93 $ |
Whole Cauliflower and Lentil Pizza r93 $ | Edible Tar Pizza r94 $ | Squid Delight Pizza r94 $ | Starfish Pizza r94 $ | Whole Chilli Deluxe Pizza r94 $ |
Whole Mushroom Pizza r94 $$ | Whole Sushi Pizza r94 $ | Blue Pepper Pizza r95 $$ | Whole Anchovy Pizza r95 $ | Whole Chilli Cheese Pizza r95 $$ |
Water Pizza r96 $ | Whole Cheeseburger Pizza r96 $$ | Deluxe Water Pizza r97 $ | Whole Steak and Egg Pizza r97 $$ | Pirate Pizza r98 $$$ |
Happy Birthday Pizza r99 $$$$ | Peachy Pizza r99 $$$$ | PIZZA OF DEATH r99 $$$$ |
Shop Link: The Coffee Cave
37 Foods
Faerieland Borovan r90 $ | Flatfruit Bubble Tea r90 $ | Ginger Green Tea r90 $ | Holiday Flowering Tea Pot r90 $ | Iced Caramel Coffee r90 $$ |
Iced Clover Cream Coffee r90 $ | Iced Soy Chai Latte r90 $ | Raspberry Iced Tea r90 $ | Clover Cream Coffee r91 $ | Iced Illusen Tea r91 $ |
Jasmine Tea r91 $ | Ultra Strong Coffee r91 $ | Air Faerie Mug r92 $$ | Earth Faerie Mug r92 $$ | Hibiscus Tea r92 $$ |
Holiday Borovan Service r92 $ | Kreludan Borovan r92 $ | Nettle Tea r92 $ | Pink Negg Tea r92 $ | Candy Corn Latte r93 $$ |
Elegant Cup of Tea r93 $ | Exquisite Cup of Tea r93 $ | Pumpkin Spice Coffee r93 $$ | Autumn Herbal Tea r94 $ | Lenny Tea Set r94 $ |
Strawberry Kiwi Tea r94 $ | Lavender Mint Tea r95 $$ | Borovan Service r96 $$ | Dark Tea r96 $$ | Relaxation Tea r96 $$$ |
Mad Meepit Mocha r97 $$ | Rosemary Mushroom Tea r97 $$$ | Elegant Tea Service r98 $$$ | Cocoa Juppie Mocha r99 $$$ | Coffee Service r99 $$$$ |
Murky Green r99 $$$ | Zeenana Split r99 $$$$ |
Tropical Foods
Shop Link: Tropical Food Shop
98 Foods
Flatfruit Tuskaninny Ice Cream r90 $ | Flotato r90 $ | Goparokko Island Fruit r90 $ | Hanging Fruit Basket r90 $ | Mango Crab Salad r90 $ |
Melonberry r90 $ | Pineapple Breeze r90 $ | Prickly Doughnutfruit r90 $ | Strawberry Doughnutfruit r90 $ | Tigerfruit Toffee Apple r90 $ |
Zalacca Fruit r90 $ | Banango Toffee Apple r91 $ | Frozen Prawn Delight r91 $ | Pluburb Pie r91 $$ | Red Octopepper r91 $ |
Wicker Fruit Cornucopia r91 $ | Agueena r92 $ | Blurf Mince Pie r92 $ | Perimontwist r92 $ | Thornata r92 $ |
Vegan Grenanna Mousse Cake r92 $ | Zeenana Crepe r92 $ | Chocolate Orange Volcano r93 $$ | Coconut Fruit Cup $$ | Frootafruit $ |
Prickapome r94 $ | Snowberry Crepe r94 $ | Wertholoupe r94 $ | Blurf r95 $ | Myncibean Punch r95 $ |
Seafood Pasta Salad r95 $$ | Seedless Skeem Jam r95 $ | Spotkato r95 $ | Vinarok r95 $ | Arnapple r96 $$ |
Blue Cocofizz r96 $$ | Chokato Crepe r96 $ | Cramjar r96 $ | Jug of Fresh Lemoranade r96 $$ | Lobster Berry Surprise r96 $$ |
Pink Peachpa Cooler r96 $$ | Qanfire Fruit r96 $ | Seven Layer Mousse r96 $$ | Shebberries r96 $ | Simmered Tropical Fruit Bowl r96 $$$$ |
Stuffed Penupe r96 $ | Acnefruit r97 $$ | Fruity Swirl Souffle r97 $$ | Goparokko Fish Surprise r97 $$ | Greengage Breeze r97 $$ |
Octoberry r97 $$ | Green Chyrsaberry r98 $$$ | Purple Juppie Slurpbowl r98 $$$ | Strawberry Salmon r98 $$$ | Tigerbuggles r98 $$$ |
Tigerfruit r98 $$$ | Tigermelon r98 $$$ | Tigersquash Crepe r98 $ | Bludberry r99 $$$$ | Blue Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ |
Bubbling Kraku Thickshake r99 $$$$ | Checkered Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Chokato r99 $$$$ | Cornupepper r99 $$$ | Doughnutfruit r99 $$$ |
ErgyFruit r99 $$$ | Evil Pinanna r99 $$$ | Fiery Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Fish Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Fresh Lobster Tail r99 $$$ |
Gelupepper r99 $$$ | Golden Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Golden Juppie r99 $$ | Green Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Icy Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ |
Krakuberries r99 $$$ | Lavaberry r99 $$$ | Marafalop r99 $$$$ | Phear r99 $$$ | Pinanna Plus r99 $$$$ |
Pink Chokato r99 $$$$ | Purple Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Rainbow Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Roe Sushi r99 $$$ | Silver Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ |
Songray r99 $$$$ | Sponge Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Strange Pinanna r99 $$$ | Strong Berry r99 $$$ | Thornberry r99 $$$ |
Tigersquash r99 $$$ | Ugly Pinanna r99 $$$ | Vein Cabbage r99 $$$ | Yellow Doughnutfruit r99 $$$$ | Zibblifruit r99 $$$$ |
Plantcake r100 $$$$ | TeaLeef r100 $$$$ | Zeenana r100 $$$$ |
Spooky Foods
Shop Link: Spooky Food
75 Foods
Lots of these foods can be found inside of Goodie/Trick-or-Treat bags.
Angry Marshmallows r90 $ | Blooppop r90 $$ | Cannibalistic Pumpkin r90 $ | Chilled Eyes with Clam Sauce r90 $ | Disgruntled Candy Corn r90 $ |
Eerie Eggs r90 $ | Ghost Marshmallows r90 $ | Halloween Oranges r90 $ | Haunted Milk r90 $ | Horror Doeuvres r90 $ |
Intesteen Casserole r90 $ | Lizarkagna r90 $ | Roast Lizard Eggs r90 $ | Spyder Muffins r90 $$ | Twice-Baked Spiked Potato r90 $$ |
Cole Slaughter r91 $ | Korbat Wing Soup r91 $ | Spectral Cinnamon Rolls r91 $ | Army of Undead Cupcakes r92 $$ | Crypt Crisps r92 $$ |
Deep Fried Ghosts r92 $ | Deviled Eggs r92 $ | Intestines and Marinara r92 $ | Millipede Lollypop r92 $ | Rest in Pea Soup r92 $ |
Spyder Eggs r92 $ | Turkey Monster r92 $ | Deadly Apple Pie r93 $ | Eyeball Stew Cake r93 $ | Spaghetti and Brains r93 $ |
Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza r94 $ | Meatloathe r94 $$ | Rest in Peace of Chicken r94 $ | Spooky Handwich r94 $ | BluePepper Porridge r95 $$ |
Boiled Lizard Stew r95 $ | Forgotten Apple r95 $$ | The Stuff r95 $$ | Bat Kebab r96 $ | Droolik Surprise r96 $$ |
Hair Stuffed Maggot r96 $ | Pink Spooky Popcorn r96 $$ | Poison Apples r96 $$ | Raspberry Ghostkerchief Jelly r96 $$ | Rotting Veggies Salad r96 $$ |
Chocolate Coated Eye r97 $$ | Coffee of the Dead r97 $ | Elderly Apple r97 $$$ | Pink Spooky Floss r97 $$ | Ghost Puff r98 $$$ |
Grundo Toe Lint r98 $$$ | Pink Spooky Ice Cream r98 $$ | Apple Lantern r99 $$$ | Cadaverous Cola r99 $$$$ | Coco Pumpkin r99 $$$$ |
Crunchy Snotball r99 $$$$ | Fright Pop r99 $ | Gnome Shroom r99 $ | Gorerito r99 $$$$ | Halloween Candy Cane r99 $$$$ |
Jelly Finger r99 $$$$ | Jelly Spider Eyeball r99 $$$$ | Meerca Pie r99 $$$$ | Mouldy Cheese r99 $$$ | Parts on a Pizza r99 $$$$ |
Pink Apple Lantern r99 $$$ | Pumpkin Scoopings r99 $$$$ | Quiggle Pie r99 $$ | Runny Snot r99 $$$$ | Snorkle Pudding r99 $$$$ |
Spooky Ghostbeef r99 $$ | Spoooky Muffin r99 $$$ | Wing of Korbat r99 $$$$ | Bloopcream r100 $$ | Psimouse Cake r100 $$ |
Neovian Pastries
Shop Link: The Crumpetmonger
13 Foods
Caramel Cream Puff r90 $ | Chocolate Bearog Claw r90 $ | Chocolate Cherry Bundt Cake r90 $ | Chocolate Grarrl Petit Fours r90 $ | Chocolate Kaussant r90 $ |
Jetsam Witchdoctor Cupcake r90 $ | Pear and Suet Pudding r90 $ | Plate of Warm Holiday Cookies r90 $$ | Pumpkin Pancakes r90 $ | Strawberry Grarrl Petit Fours r91 $ |
Lime Tart r93 $ | Nimmo Pastry Plate r94 $$ | Jetsam Witchdoctor Cake r97 $$ |
Shop Link: Slushie Shop
26 Foods
Blue Bomberry Slushie r90 $ | Blue Tongue Slushie r90 $ | Cake Batter Slushie r90 $ | Cheese Slushie r90 $ | Rose Slushie r90 $ |
Strawberry Slushie r91 $ | Voidberry Slushie r92 $ | Jhudora Slushie r93 $ | Grilled Ummagine Slushie r95 $ | Wormy Slushie r95 $ |
Cheese Plate Slushie r96 $$ | Neocola Slushie r96 $$ | Space Slushie r96 $ | Secret Sloth Slushie r97 $$ | Berry Blend Slushie r98 $$$ |
Creme Brulee Slushie r98 $$$ | Dung Slushie r98 $ | Cheeseburger Slushie r99 $$$ | Cherry Lemonade Slushie r99 $$$$ | Freshly Cut Grass Slushie r99 $$$$ |
Magical Red Starry Slushie r99 $$$$ | Pan Galactic Gargle Slushie r99 $$$$ | Peanut and Chocolate Slushie r99 $$$$ | Tar Slushie r99 $$$ | Tiger Orange Slushie r99 $$$$ |
Transparaberry Slushie r99 $$$$ |
Snow Foods
Shop Link:Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop
70 Foods
Captain Limebeard Random Event: Receive one random Magical Chia Pop.
Blazing Edible Snowflakes r90 $ | Cake Batter Ice Lolly r90 $ | Chocolate Kyrii Ice Cream r90 $ | Frozen Cybunny Treat r90 $ | Frozen Strawberries and Cream r90 $ |
Fruity Brucicle r90 $ | Moehog Lollypop r90 $ | Pine Needle Ice Lolly r90 $$ | Super Frosty Ice Shake r90 $$ | Blueberry Krawksicle r91 $ |
Chilled Borovan with Frozen Asparagus r91 $ | Clam Chowder Ice Lolly r91 $ | Frozen Blackberries and Cream r91 $ | Gr.ape Jelly Brucicle r91 $ | Snow Bagel r91 $ |
Strawberry Chia Pop r91 $ | Tuskaninny Sundae r91 $$ | Appriberry Brucicle r92 $ | Crystal Burger r92 $ | Orange and Gr.ape Cone r92 $ |
Skeith Ice Cream Cake r92 $ | Snow Broccoli r92 $ | Snowberry Ice Lolly r92 $ | Sparkling Ice Lolly r92 $ | Tetraberry Chia Pop r92 $ |
Crystal Cookies r93 $ | Snow Burrito r93 $ | Borovan in a Cone r94 $$ | Crystal Crunch r94 $ | Snow Kabob r94 $ |
Frozen Negg r95 $$$ | Mint Kyrii Ice Cream r95 $$ | Ice Ice Cream r95 $$ | Crystal Taco r97 $$ | Royal Ice Lolly r97 $$ |
Banana Split Chia Pop r98 $$$ | Crystal Turkey r98 $$$ | Angelic Ice Lolly r99 $$$$ | Hamarama Ice Lolly r99 $$$$ | Maractite Ice Lolly r99 $$$$ |
Magical Apple Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Asparagus Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Aubergine Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Avocado Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Blueberry Chia Pop r99 $$$$ |
Magical Carrot Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Chokato Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Coconut Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Durian Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Gooseberry Chia Pop r99 $$$$ |
Magical Gr.ape Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Juppie Swirl Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Lemon Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Lime Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Onion Chia Pop r99 $$$$ |
Magical Orange Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Pea Chia Pop r99 $$$$$ | Magical Peach Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Pear Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Pepper Chia Pop r99 $$$$ |
Magical Pineapple Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Plum Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Sroom Chia Pop r99 $$$$$ | Magical Strawberry Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Thornberry Chia Pop r99 $$$$ |
Magical Tomato Chia Pop r09 $$$$ | Magical Ummagine Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Magical Agueena Chia Pop r99 $$$$ | Tartan Chia Pop r99 $$$ | Magical Potato Chia Pop r99 $$$$$ |
Faerie Foods
Shop Link: Faerie Foods
59 Foods
Blueberry Nova Pop r90 $ | Candy Fyora Staff r90 $ | Earth Faerie Breath Mints r90 $ | Faerie Festival Cake r90 $ | Fruity Faerie Lolly r90 $ |
Jhudoras Toffee Rolls r90 $ | Lemon Faerie Mousse r90 $ | Lemon Nova Pop r90 $ | Soup Faerie Soup r90 $ | Space Faerie Cereal r90 $ |
Triple Tier Space Faerie Cake r90 $ | Dark Faerie Plums r91 $ | Faerie Flotsam Fricassee r91 $$ | Fyora Day Fizz r91 $ | Gummy Fyora Wings r91 $ |
Water Faerie Cupcake r91 $ | Air Faerie Munparaberries r92 $$ | Blue Moon Sundae r92 $ | Earth Faerie Cupcake r92 $ | -invalid_words- Faerie Apple Pie r92 $ |
Faerie Kale r92 $ | Faerieland Gourmet Burger r92 $ | Fluffy Faerie Hot Cakes r92 $ | Fyora Day Muffin r92 $ | Lime Nova Pop r92 $ |
Ultra Deluxe Faeriepop r92 $ | Extra Cheesy Cheddar Crisps r93 $ | Faerie Orange r93 $ | Fruit Wings Candy r93 $ | Fyora Day Cupcakes r93 $$ |
Jhudora Jelly r94 $$ | Simple Fyora Cake r94 $$ | Veggie Faerie Burger r94 $ | Water Faerie Blueberries r94 $$ | Jhudoras Swirling Cocktail r95 $$ |
Peachpa Stuffed Potato r95 $ | Air Faerie Mushroom r96 $$ | Faerie Queen Smoothie Bowl r96 $$$ | Jolly Green Jiggling Jelly r96 $$ | Dark Faerie Mushroom r97 $$ |
Earth Faerie Mushroom r97 $$$ | Fire Faerie Mushroom r97 $$ | Water Faerie Mushroom r97 $$ | Dark Nova Pop r98 $$$ | Deluxe Fyora Day Cake r98 $$$ |
Faerie Block Mallows r98 $$$ | Fire Faerie Red Pepper r98 $$$ | Light Faerie Mushroom r98 $$$ | Soup Faerie Mushroom r98 $$$ | Sugar Coated Leaf r98 $$$ |
Bacon Belly Buster r99 $$$ | Faerie Chocodrop r99 $$$$ | Faerie Dreamwich r99 $$$$ | Faerie Fruit Salad r99 $$$$ | Faerie Sparklecake r99 $$$ |
Fyora Apple r99 $$$$ | Grey Faerie Mushroom r99 $$$$ | Space Faerie Mushroom r99 $$$$ | Ultra Nova Pop r99 $$$$ |
Tyrannian Foods
Shop Link: Tyrannian Foods
23 Foods
Cra.cked Keno Egg r90 $ | Omelette Turkey r90 $ | Fern Salad r91 $$ | Hutcakes r91 $$ | Hot Tyrannian Pepper r92 $ |
Hut of Mashed Potatoes r92 $$ | Pteri Soup r92 $$ | Tyrannian Rock Salad r92 $$ | Blue Toobers r93 $ | Tyrannian Goulash r93 $ |
Gargaraptor Arm r94 $ | Mild Burnumup r94 $$ | Sporkle Leg r94 $ | Tyrannian Everything Omelette r94 $$ | Terry Berry r95 $$ |
Coconut Juice Bowl r96 $$ | Honey Blossom Stone Doughnuts r97 $$ | Tyrannian Water Negg r97 $$ | Primordial Stew r98 $$$ | Blood Mole Plant r99 $$$$ |
Evil Blancmange r99 $ | Honey Blossom r99 $ | Raptraphant Leg r99 $ |
Desert Foods
Shop Link: Lost Desert Foods
28 Foods
Desert Kau Honey r90 $ | Dried Ummagine r90 $ | Sandy Geb Cakes r90 $ | Tchea Fruit Bowl r90 $ | Desert Kiko Dried Fruit Bowl r91 $ |
Refreshing Oasis Water r91 $ | Cheops Soup r92 $ | Desert Blumaroo Honey r92 $ | Loaf of Sand r92 $ | Mummified Ettaphant Loaf r92 $ |
Pyramid Potato Skins r92 $ | Sakhmet Palace Cake r92 $ | Blueberry Flavoured Ice Cube r94 $ | Corn Pyramid r94 $ | Desert Lupe Honey r94 $ |
Zonutuk Fruit r95 $ | Fried Suwek r96 $$ | Puntec Fruit r96 $ | Dried Blusops r97 $$ | Odorra Pod r97 $$ |
Patrapiller and Honey r97 $$ | Peppered Kersla Bug r97 $$ | Pyramid Pear r97 $$ | Gwontek Melon r98 $$$ | Pyramid Banana r98 $$$ |
Geopeppers r99 $$$$ | Pyramid Purpple r99 $$$$ | Pyramid Strawberry r99 $$$$ |
Qasalan Foods
Shop Link: Qasalan Delights
11 Foods
Aubergine Casserole r90 $$ | Aubergine Salad r90 $$ | Hieroglyphic Cake r90 $$ | Qasalan Falafel r91 $$ | Cursed Qasalan Pancakes r92 $ |
Loaf of Tablet Bread r92 $$ | Meat and Fruit Kebab r92 $ | Meat Pastry r93 $ | Queela Torte r93 $$ | Leaf Wraps r94 $ |
Honey Pastry r95 $ |
Jelly Foods
Shop Link: Jelly Foods
26 Foods
Jelly Fruit Ring r90 $ | Jelly Ham r90 $ | Jelly Jelly Jar r90 $ | Jelly Shaped Blumaroo r90 $ | Jelly Taco r90 $ |
Jelly Ultranova r90 $ | Lime Jelly Eyeball r90 $ | Orange Jelly Ice Cream r90 $ | Pineapple Jelly r90 $ | Jelly Corn r91 $ |
Jelly Nachos r91 $ | Black Currant Jelly Hot Dog r92 $ | Jelly Banana r92 $$ | Jelly Guacamole r92 $$ | Jelly Tomato r92 $ |
Mint Jelly Sandwich r93 $ | Jelly Fries r94 $ | Jelly Wingafruit r94 $ | Raspberry Jelly Muffin r94 $ | Whole Jelly Pie r94 $ |
Jelly Oyster r95 $ | Doglefox Jelly r96 $$ | Icy Jelly Steak r96 $ | Jelly Doughnut Jelly r96 $$ | Moulded Jelly Dessert r97 $$ |
Floral Jelly r99 $$$$ |
Kiko Lake Foods
Shop Link: Kiko Lake Treats
17 Foods
Chocolate Cowry Shell r90 $ | Kiko Christmas Hot Chocolate Mug r90 $$ | Strawberry Kiko Taffy r90 $ | Biscuit Kiko Taffy r91 $$ | Chocolate Scallop Shell r91 $ |
Garlic Kiko Taffy r91 $ | Chocolate Murex Shell r92 $ | Gummy Bait Worms r92 $$ | Chocolate Starfish r93 $ | Snot Kiko Taffy r93 $$ |
Blue Bomberry Kiko Candy Floss r94 $ | Salted Kiko Popcorn Ball r94 $ | Gelupepper Kiko Drink r95 $$ | Vanilla Kiko Fudge r95 $$ | Sparkle Berry Kiko Candy Floss r96 $$ |
Purple Felberry Kiko Candy Floss r97 $$ | Unguberry Kiko Candy Floss r98 $$$ |
Kreludan Foods
Shop Link: Cafe Kreludor
18 Foods
Moon Crunch Cereal r90 $ | Purple Grundo Lunar Plum r90 $ | Scoop of Meteor Ice Cream r90 $ | Zero Gravity Cheese Poofs r90 $ | Grundo Orange r91 $ |
Lava Latte r91 $$ | Space Floss r91 $ | Orange Grundo Sherbet r92 $ | Planetary Pizza Ring r92 $$ | Reject Marshmallow Grundo r92 $ |
Sentient Stew r92 $ | Kreludan Ice Cream Sundae r93 $ | Gr.ape Slurpship r95 $ | Asteroid Zeenana Split r96 $$ | Bag of Space Dust r97 $$ |
Gr.ape Blobcicle r97 $$ | Kreludan Candy Floss r98 $$$ | Kreludan Grunpop r98 $$$ |
Space Foods
Shop Link: Grundos Cafe
49 Foods
Blue Rambus r90 $ | Completely Non-lethal Sandwich r90 $ | Cosmic Stars Sandwich r90 $ | Freeze Dried Fruit Platter r90 $ | Galactic Protein Shake r90 $ |
Gorgroggle Soup r90 $$ | Grobleen Salad r90 $ | Grobleen Sandwich r90 $ | Grundos House Special r90 $ | Intergalactic Orange Sorbet r90 $ |
Plate of Unidentifiable Meat r90 $ | Protein on the Go r90 $ | Sloth Cone r90 $ | Space Kabob r90 $ | Toxic Sloth Slushie r90 $ |
Double Chocolate Surprise r91 $ | Freeze Dried Ice Cream Sandwich r91 $$ | Galaxy Energy Drink r91 $ | Sloth Pudding Cup r91 $ | Space Quesadilla r91 $ |
Steamed Gorgroggles r91 $$ | Strawberry Milk Packet r91 2 | Dehydrated Spaghetti r92 $ | Galaxy Cupcake r92 $ | Glowing Asparagus r92 $ |
Space Fungus Sundae r92 $ | Cloned Corn r93 $ | Cryogenically Frozen Negg r93 $ | Deep-Fried Galactic… Food Mass r93 $$ | Prime Beef and Chicken Meatba.lls r93 $ |
Sloth Spaghetti r93 $ | Spotted Pudding with Custard r93 $ | Electric Nachos r94 $$ | Electric Taco r94 $$ | Galactic Water r94 $ |
Grundo Space Grub Platter r94 $ | Mouldy Gruncheese r94 $ | Grundo Goo Sundae r95 $ | Grundos Luxury Kebab r95 $$ | Lunar Grunpop r95 $ |
Tentacle Burger r95 $ | Space Rock Soup r96 $ | Milkyway Shake r98 $$$ | Obliteratoes r98 $$$ | Oppressor Onions_ r96 $ |
Sloth Wrap r99 $$$ | Tigersquash Spectacular r99 $$$ | Tofu Space Slug Soup r99 $$$$ | Vegetarian Sloth Wrap r99 $$$$ |
Medieval Foods
Shop Link: Merifoods
32 Foods
Braku Berry Juice r90 $ | Fruit Juice Sack r90 $ | Ham and Turkey Feast r90 $$ | Meridell Darigan Collab Cake r90 $$ | Slorg Meatloaf r90 $ |
Slorg Potatoes r90 $$ | Honey Basted Turkey Leg r91 $ | Butter with Roll r92 $$ | Giant Shish Kabob r92 $$ | Illusens Green Goddess Potato Salad r93 $ |
Ixi-like Potato Pile r93 $ | Spyven Leg Soup r94 $ | Veggie Deluxe Stuffed Pepper r94 $ | Blue Draik Egg r95 $$$-$$$$ | Sparkleberry and Cream r95 $$ |
Green Draik Egg r96 $$$-$$$$ | Sparkleberry Pie r96 $$ | Turtum Shell Salad r96 $$ | Lost Desert Draik Egg r97 $$$$ | Pirate Draik Egg r97 $$$ |
Yellow Draik Egg r97 $$$-$$$$ | Ice Draik Egg r98 $$$$ | Island Draik Egg r98 $$$$ | Marble Draik Egg r98 $$$$$ | Red Draik Egg r98 $$$-$$$$ |
Bread Wreath r99 $$$ | Darigan Draik Egg r99 $$$$ | Fresh Fruit Goblet r99 $$$$ | Meridellian Style Mashed Potatoes r99 $$$$ | Pootato r99 $$$ |
Roast Pork r99 $$$$ | Zombie Draik Egg r99 $$$$ |
Brightvale Fruits
Shop Link: Brightvale Fruits
13 Foods
Carved Cantaloupe r90 $ | Kastraliss Snack r90 $ | Magenorb Juice r90 $ | Screlon Juice r90 $ | Purblare Fruit Bowl r91 $ |
Fresh-Squeezed Florange Juice r93 $ | Prickly Merato and Screlon Salad r94 $ | Brightvale Celebratory Fruit Basket r97 $$ | Flaming Blooble Fruit r97 $$ | Assorted Brightvale Fruit Basket r98 $$$ |
Carved Watermelon r99 $$$$ | Edible Magenorb Bouquet r99 $$$$ | Prickly Merato r99 $$$$ |
Exotic Foods
Shop Link: Exotic Foods
41 Foods
Belonthiss Roll r90 $$ | Cabbage Momo r90 $ | Cheese Momo r90 $ | Cherry Onion Blossom r90 $ | Cyodrake Roll r90 $ |
Koi Dumplings And Chokato r90 $ | Shenkuu Fried Wrap r90 $ | Vegetable Tempura r90 $ | Dandan Sashimi Sushi r91 $ | Ornate Bowl of Oranges r91 $ |
Seaw.eed Tentacle Kimchee r91 $ | Aisha Winter Roll r92 $$ | Buzz Sushi r92 $ | Edamame r92 $ | Hand Pulled Noodle Soup r92 $ |
Kougra Sushi r92 $ | Leafy Noodle Soup r92 $ | Shrimp on Ice r92 $ | Sushi Platter r92 $ | Traditional Mochi r92 $$ |
Xrepefruit r92 $ | Fruit and Vegetable Hand Roll r93 $ | Lawyerbot Bowl r93 $ | Meerca Sushi r93 $ | Origami Sushi r93 $$ |
Pompomberry r93 $ | Steamed Fish r93 $ | Aisha Spring Roll r94 $$ | Dragon Roll r94 $$ | Origami Rice Ball.s r94 $$ |
Steamed Vegetable Dumplings r94 $ | Lawyerbot Bento Box r95 $$ | Negg Noodles r95 $ | Ice Cream Dumplings r96 $ | Peach and Berries Flambe r96 $$ |
Pumpkin Soup r96 $ | Wasabi r96 $$ | Hot and Sour Soup r97 $$ | Shenkuu Pumpkin Cake r97 $$ | Chomby Sushi r98 $$ |
Sushi Boat r99 $$$$ |
Altadorian Foods
Shop Link: Exquisite Ambrosia
16 Foods
Altador Sunny Eggs r90 $$ | Fruit Cake r90 $ | Hermiteese Salad r90 $ | Artichoke and Feta Pie r91 $$ | Calamari Pita Wrap r91 $ |
Fried Altadorian Cheese Plate r91 $ | Moussaka r91 $ | Brie Cheese Platter r92 $ | Fancy Altadorian Mustard r92 $ | Grilled Veggie Platter r92 $$ |
Traditional Altadorian Gyro r92 $ | Vanilla Orange Biscuits r92 $$ | Hummus r93 $ | Altadorian Pasti.tsio r94 $$ | Honey Toast r94 $ |
Fig r95 $$ |
Molten Morsels
Shop Link: Molten Morsels
15 Foods
Cog Crunchies r90 $ | Lava Chilaquiles r90 $ | Sweet Potato Fizzy Drink r90 $ | Moltaran Bak Lava r91 $ | Molten Frosting Cake Slice r91 $ |
Butter Gears r92 $$ | Cog Stew r92 $$ | Dried Lava Crisps r92 $ | Molten Fries r92 $ | Molten Meringue Pie r92 $ |
Molten Root Casserole r92 $ | Molten Candy Apple r93 $ | Seared Turnip Steak r95 $ | Steaming Root Salad r96 $ | Red Moltite Popsicle r99 $$$$ |
The Great Chocolate Sweepstakes (Y4/2002 Sponsor Event)
Although these foods were once part of a sponsorship, they are now coded to restock at a few of the NPC shops. (Note: r100s are currently glitched and are not visible to players even when they do restock.) If there is a seller with these foods… be prepared to spend buko bucks.
Choco Spray r100 Chocolate Factory | Chococherry Blumaroo Ears r100 Chocolate Factory | Chocolate Gum r100 Chocolate Factory | Chocolate Lipstick r100 Chocolate Factory | Chocolate Peanuts With Peas r100 Chocolate Factory |
Chocolate Sandwich r100 Neopian Fresh Foods | Chocolately Cheese Wedges r100 Neopian Fresh Foods | Chocoon r100 Chocolate Factory | Creamy Chocolate Pie r100 The Bakery | Crunchy Chocolate Grarrl r100 Chocolate Factory |
Easter Cybunny (Retired RE)
These neggs were once handed out randomly by the easter Cybunny through a random event that has since retired; the neggs are now coded to restock in the Chocolate Factory. Note: r100s are currently glitched and are not visible to players upon restock.
Chocolate Orange Easter Negg r100 $$$$ | Lemon and Lime Easter Negg r100 $$$$ | Luxury Chocolate Easter Negg r100 $$$$ | Mint Chocolate Easter Negg r100 $$$$ | Pretty Pink Easter Negg r100 $$$$ |
Spotted Easter Negg r100 $$$$ | Strawberries and Cream Easter Negg r100 $$$$ |
Golden Dubloon Leftovers
Shop” Link: Golden Dubloon
38 Foods
If you plan to dine at Captain Hackett’s restaurant, be sure to bring enough dubloons! These foods are also coded to restock at Neopian Fresh Foods.
Baby Bloater r100 $$$ | Barnacle Bills Belt Busting Burger r100 $$$ | Berry Joy Fun Pop r100 $$$ | Bilge Rat Madeira r100 $$$ | Blueberry and Oyster Ice Cream r100 $$$ |
Bomberry Grog r100 $$$ | Caesar Salad r100 $ | Cannon Fodder r100 $$$ | Capn Threelegs Cutlass Crusade r100 $$$ | Cherry Pop r100 $$$ |
Chocolate Joy Fun Pop r100 $$$ | Crusty Clam Surprise r100 $$ | Double Stuffed Guppy r100 $ | ErgyFruit Grog r100 $$$ | Forbidden Plunder r100 $$$ |
Gr.ape Pop r100 $$$ | Grog Light r100 $$$ | Headless Horsefish r100 $$$$ | Hogshead r100 $$$ | Keel Haul r100 $$$ |
Krakuberry Cove r100 $$$ | Krakuberry Grog r100 $$$ | Land Lubber r100 $$$ | Lemon Pop r100 $$$ | Loretta Fontaines Perfect Pizza r100 $$$ |
Man O War r100 $$$ | Mocha Joy Fun Pop r100 $$$ | Our Famous Krawk Pie r100 $$$$ | Oyster Obsession r100 $ | Pinanna Paradise r100 $$$ |
Raspberry Pop r100 $$$ | Shiver Me Shrimp r100 $ | Slithering Squid Surprise r100 $$$$ | Squid on a Stick r100 $$$ | Tchea Grog r100 $$$ |
Tomato Cannon Ball r100 $ | Tropical Breeze r100 $ | Walk The Plank r100 $$$ |
Gross Foods
These foods can be found at the Almost Abandoned Attic, Tiki Tack Tombola (r90s only), the Battldome, or the Alien Aisha Vending Machine. No r99 or r100 Gross Foods exist at the moment.
40 Foods
Fish Flavour Ice Cream r90 $ | Mayonnaise Doughnut r90 $ | Potato Ice Cream r90 $ | Pound Cake and Frosting Sandwich r90 $ | Stick of Butter r90 $ |
Tomato Cheesecake r90 $ | Week Old Glass of Milk r90 $ | Marshmallows with Gravy r91 $ | Tomato Stuffed Doughnut r91 $ | Chocolate Taquitos r92 $ |
Danderlice Surprise r92 $ | That Fruit Basket You Forgot About r92 $ | Onion Cola r93 $ | Waffle Sandwich r93 $ | Ants on Ants r94 $ |
Chip Butty Pizza r94 $ | Fish and Rhubarb Burgers r94 $ | Cheesy Apple Stick r95 $ | Dr. Backwash r95 $ | Extra Gherkin Hot Dog r95 $ |
Octopus Ice Cream Platter r95 $ | Pterducken r95 $ | Wocky Tacos r95 $ | Chocolate Fish r96 $ | Jellyfish Sundae r96 $ |
Mynci Brain Sandwich r96 $ | Nutritional Block r96 $ | Slithering Snake Taco r96 $ | Snailcorn Parfait r96 $ | Crunchy Bone Sandwich r97 $ |
Ground Beef Smores r97 $ | Peanut Butter and Pickles r97 $ | Toffeed Brain r97 $ | Bluna Burger r98 $ | Brain Kebab r98 $ |
Chocolate Duck Rump r98 $ | Coconut Ketchup Stew r98 $ | Olive Marshmallow Taco r98 $ | Smelly Sardine Wrap r98 $ | Tomato Dipped Chocolate Bar r98 $ |
Gourmet Foods Hiding in Unsuspecting Places
Quadruple Scoop of Sorbet r90 HV Ice Cream | Spring Burger r96 $ Springy Things | Green Gem Negg r97 $$$ Gifts Galore | Gold Gem Negg r98 $ Gifts Galore | Banana Grub r100 $ Cooking Pot |
Winnable Gourmet Foods
You are more than welcome to spend your NP however you like, but if you’d like to try to win some gourmet foods, here’s a list of the places you’ll need to go and the foods you can win there. (Not included: Key Quest-retired game; prizes included neggs and gadgads.)
- Daily Quests – Requires completion of task.
- Battledome – Requires well-trained BD pet + equipment.
- Battleground of the Obelisk – Requires participation in battleground war; these are consolation prizes, so your team must lose in order to be awarded one of these prizes.
- Mysterious Negg Cave – Complete random daily puzzle.
- Anchor Management – Fire the cannon at the giant squid off the coast of Krawk Island.
- Forgotten Shore – Requires completed map. All items can be found in a “Discovered Treasure Chest” from the shore; Draik Eggs can be found on the shore or in a chest.
- Tiki Tack Tombola – Random with winning ticket.
- Jhudora’s Bluff – Cost varies; complete level 14 of Jhudora’s quests.
- Illusen’s Glade – Cost varies; complete level 44 of Illusen’s quests.
- Meridell Rubbish Dump – No cost; after multiple refreshes prizes will begin to appear; non-junk items rarely appear so this will take some time.
- Wheel of Knowledge – 400NP/spin. Land on the Tangella symbol (~9.5% chance).
- Wheel of Mediocrity – 100NP/spin. Land on the Trilo Bite symbol (~13% chance).
- Wheel of Monotony – 150NP/spin. Land on the Terry Berry symbol (~5% chance).
- Wheel of Extravagance – 100K/spin. Land on the Scorchstone symbol (~0.1% chance); it rewards any and all r100s so, a gourmet food is not guarenteed.
- Qasalan Expellibox – Random when scarab travels to Virtupets Space Station.
- Fruit Machine – Awarded for spinning 2 puntec fruits in a row (left + middle).
- Sakhmet Solitaire – 50NP/game; random upon winning a game.
- Lunar Temple – Choose the correct phase of the moon.
- Tarla’s Shop of Mystery – Price varies; buy a mystery bag and receive a random prize.
- Tarla’s Non-Toolbar Treasures – Random when Tarla is at her prize warehouse.
- Snow Faerie Quest – Cost varies; requires completion of a quest for Taelia. Very large prize pool includes r50-r90 in 5 different categories.
- Apple Bobbing – Pluck a prize from the water-logged apple barrel. (Caution: Your pet may lose HP or an inventory item, contract Blurred Vision, or become depressed.)
- Grave Danger – requires at least one attached petpet.
- Test Your Strength – 100NP/game. Requires score between 51 and 60 (“Strong” rating).
- Deserted Fairgrounds Scratchcards – 1,200NP/card. Crypt of Chance & Undead Jackpot of Doom cards only (Bone symbol).
Retired Gourmet Food
For legacy purposes, here are all the retired and/or converted gourmet foods. Eating these foods will no longer reward gourmet points. However, if these foods were consumed in their prime, they’re essentially bonus points for that pet! (If you have more info on converted/retired gourmets please let me know so I can add them!)
30 Foods
Seasonal Pudding r98 | Whomp Berries r99 | Puntec Pie r97 | Snowberries | Blairnut r99 |
Combomelon Plant r90 | Globlin r99 | Juicy Melon r99 | MechaBerries r99 | Minty Shrimp r91 |
Sourmelon | Spironut r99 | Thistleberry Fruit Salad r97 | Super Gelupepper | Transparaberry |
Purple Sardplant r99 | Asparagus and Butter Hot Dog r98 | Hot Dog Sundae r99 | Black Currant Gummy Kiko | Spooky Jelly Brains r95 |
Super Fast Shroom | Mega Power Plusshroom | Yellow Healthshroom | Level Up Shroom | Strength Shroom |
Crystal Pop r96 | Swill Pudding r95 | Fish Negg | Golden Carrot | RainbowBerry |
Flaming Bomberry | Tagobo Potion r90 r45 Converted not retired | White Chocolate Pear Converted not retired | Caramel Coated Pear Converted not retired | Chocolate Coated Pear Converted not retired |
5/6 Anchovy Pizza r95 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Cauliflower and Lentil Pizza r93 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Chilli Cheese Pizza r95 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Chilli Deluxe Pizza r94 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Garden Fresh Pizza r91 r101 Converted not retired |
5/6 Jelly Bean Pizza r92 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Mushroom Pizza r94 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Pepperoni and Mushroom Pesto Pizza r91 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Steak and Egg Pizza r97 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Sushi Pizza r94 r101 Converted not retired |
5/6 Smiley Pizza r90 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 White Pizza r90 r101 Converted not retired | 5/6 Yummy Cloud Pizza r91 r101 Converted not retired |
Window shoppin for gourmet foods be like…