Neopets Game Ratios 2024

The Neopets game ratios determine how many Neopoints (NP) you earn per game point, and they change on the 25th of each month. This guide helps you track those changes and lets you know how many game points are needed to reach the maximum reward of 1,000 Neopoints for each game. Below, you’ll find the list of games along with their point requirements for last month and this month.

Game NamePoints Needed for 1k (This Month)
200m Peanut Dash730
Advert Attack1590
Assignment 534350
Attack of the Gummy Dice2630
Attack of the Marblemen270
Attack of the Revenge2040
Attack of the Slorgs1000
Barf Boat690
Berry Bash9090
Biscuit Brigade: Hagan’s Last Stand7140
Bouncy Supreme930
Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway1220
Bumble Beams1200
Carnival of Terror710
Castle Battles1000
Cave Glider3230
Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island430
Chariot Chase2500
Chemistry for Beginners1280
Chia Bomber 21640
Clara On Ice2270
Clockwork Codebreaker2000
Cloud Raiders1020
Coal War Tactics5880
Cooty Wars550
Crisis Courier2170
Darigan Dodgeball3700
Defender Trainer730
Destruct-O-Match III2000
Dice Escape2000
Dice of Destiny1230
Dubloon Disaster480
Dueling Decks16670
Dungeon Dash6670
Edna’s Shadow840
Escape from Meridell Castle280
Escape to Kreludor2000
Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars920
Extreme Faerie Cloud Racers310
Extreme Herder320
Extreme Herder 2480
Extreme Potato Counter160
Eye of the Storm9090
Faerie Bubbles1450
Faerie Caves II – Fyora’s Quest550
Faerie Cloud Racers2130
Fashion Fever1000
Feed Florg400
Freaky Factory1670
Ghost Bopper370
Gourmet Club Bowls670
Grand Theft Ummagine510
Gwyl’s Great Escape790
Hannah and the Ice Caves50000
Hannah and the Kreludor Caves16670
Hannah and the Pirate Caves100000
Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure7140
Hasee Bounce450
Hot Dog Hero11110
Hubrid’s Hero Heist100000
Hungry Skeith1850
Ice Cream Machine11110
Igloo Garage Sale – The Game2080
Imperial Exam2380
Invasion: Blastoids50000
Island Chef Academy580
Itchy Invasion1140
Jelly Blobs of Doom1540
Jolly Jugglers630
Jubble Bubble830
Jumpin’ Gem Heist100000
Jungle Raiders340
Kass Basher930
Kiko Match II1115
Korbats Lab1920
Kreludan Mining Corp.1670
Legends of Pinball2380
Let It Slide2130
Lost City Lanes2630
Lost in Space Fungus850
MAGAX: Destroyer II9090
Magma Blaster1350
Maths Nightmare1610
Meepit Juice Break3850
Meepit vs. Feepit4550
Meerca Chase II960
Moon Rock Rampage1560
Mootix Drop920
Mop ‘n’ Bop1390
Mutant Graveyard of Doom II1690
Mynci Beach Volleyball460
Neopian Battlefield Legends50000
Neverending Boss Battle3570
Nimmos Pond3230
Nova Defender100000
Petpet Cannonball1450
Petpet Plunge810
Petpet Rescue260
Piper Panic8330
Raiders of Maraqua270
Ready to Roll110
Revel Roundup470
Rink Runner100
Ruins Rampage880
Scourge of the Lab Jellies10000
Shenkuu River Rush1000
Shenkuu Tangram2000
Shenkuu Warrior2560
Shenkuu Warrior II100000
Skies Over Meridell270
Slorgs in Space20000
Smug Bug Smite1000
Snot Splatter16670
Snowball Fight800
Snow Roller2000
Snowbeast Snackrifice160
Snow Wars II870
Sophie’s Stew710
Sorcerers’ Skirmish14290
Splat-A- Sloth glitched
Stowaway Sting610
Super Hasee Bounce900
Sutek’s Tomb2860
Swarm – The Bugs Strike Back810
Techo Says340
Terror Mountain Tilt1000
The Buzzer Game100
The Castle of Eliv Thade1890
The Great Desert Race720
The Great Qasalan Caper5560
The Haunted Shootery1080
The Last Blast2000
The Return of the Return of Dr.Sloth250 million
The Search for Princess Lunara530
The Usul Suspects730
Time Tunnel3330
TNT Staff Smasher4350
Top Chop2270
ToyBox Escape740
Trouble at the National Neopian1410
Tubular Kiko Racing1320
Tug ‘O’ War8334
Tunnel Tumble3850
Turmac Roll1010
Typing Terror3700
Tyrannian Mini Golf830
Ugga Drop100000
Ugga Smash1140
Ultimate Bullseye II150
Usuki Frenzy1230
Volcano Run II2000
Warf Rescue Team300
Web of Vernax2170
Wheeler’s Wild Ride360
Wicked Wocky Wobble590
Word Poker1540
Word Pyramid2440
Wrath of the Snowager100000

Keep in mind that game ratios and score-to-NP conversions reset every month. Use this guide to maximize your Neopoints and find games that will give you the most for your time!