Neopets Game Ratios 2024
The Neopets game ratios determine how many Neopoints (NP) you earn per game point, and they change on the 25th of each month. This guide helps you track those changes and lets you know how many game points are needed to reach the maximum reward of 1,000 Neopoints for each game. Below, you’ll find the list of games along with their point requirements for last month and this month.
Game Name | Points Needed for 1k (This Month) |
200m Peanut Dash | 730 |
Advert Attack | 1590 |
Assignment 53 | 4350 |
Attack of the Gummy Dice | 2630 |
Attack of the Marblemen | 270 |
Attack of the Revenge | 2040 |
Attack of the Slorgs | 1000 |
Barf Boat | 690 |
Berry Bash | 9090 |
Biscuit Brigade: Hagan’s Last Stand | 7140 |
Bouncy Supreme | 930 |
Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway | 1220 |
Bumble Beams | 1200 |
Carnival of Terror | 710 |
Castle Battles | 1000 |
Cave Glider | 3230 |
Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island | 430 |
Chariot Chase | 2500 |
Chemistry for Beginners | 1280 |
Chia Bomber 2 | 1640 |
Clara On Ice | 2270 |
Clockwork Codebreaker | 2000 |
Cloud Raiders | 1020 |
Coal War Tactics | 5880 |
Cooty Wars | 550 |
Crisis Courier | 2170 |
Dar-BLAT!!! | 500 |
Darigan Dodgeball | 3700 |
Deckball | 140 |
Defender Trainer | 730 |
Destruct-O-Match III | 2000 |
Dice Escape | 2000 |
Dice of Destiny | 1230 |
Dubloon Disaster | 480 |
Dueling Decks | 16670 |
Dungeon Dash | 6670 |
Edna’s Shadow | 840 |
Escape from Meridell Castle | 280 |
Escape to Kreludor | 2000 |
Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars | 920 |
Extreme Faerie Cloud Racers | 310 |
Extreme Herder | 320 |
Extreme Herder 2 | 480 |
Extreme Potato Counter | 160 |
Eye of the Storm | 9090 |
Faerie Bubbles | 1450 |
Faerie Caves II – Fyora’s Quest | 550 |
Faerie Cloud Racers | 2130 |
Fashion Fever | 1000 |
Feed Florg | 400 |
Flycatcher | 1230 |
Freaky Factory | 1670 |
Frumball | 1250 |
Gadgadsgame | 1470 |
Ghost Bopper | 370 |
Goparokko | 9090 |
Gourmet Club Bowls | 670 |
Grand Theft Ummagine | 510 |
Gwyl’s Great Escape | 790 |
Hannah and the Ice Caves | 50000 |
Hannah and the Kreludor Caves | 16670 |
Hannah and the Pirate Caves | 100000 |
Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure | 7140 |
Hasee Bounce | 450 |
Hot Dog Hero | 11110 |
Hubrid’s Hero Heist | 100000 |
Hungry Skeith | 1850 |
Ice Cream Machine | 11110 |
Igloo Garage Sale – The Game | 2080 |
Imperial Exam | 2380 |
Invasion: Blastoids | 50000 |
Island Chef Academy | 580 |
Itchy Invasion | 1140 |
Jelly Blobs of Doom | 1540 |
Jolly Jugglers | 630 |
Jubble Bubble | 830 |
Jumpin’ Gem Heist | 100000 |
Jungle Raiders | 340 |
Kass Basher | 930 |
Kiko Match II | 1115 |
Kookia | 100000 |
Korbats Lab | 1920 |
Kou-Jong | 1120 |
Kreludan Mining Corp. | 1670 |
Legends of Pinball | 2380 |
Let It Slide | 2130 |
Lost City Lanes | 2630 |
Lost in Space Fungus | 850 |
MAGAX: Destroyer II | 9090 |
Magma Blaster | 1350 |
Maths Nightmare | 1610 |
Meepit Juice Break | 3850 |
Meepit vs. Feepit | 4550 |
Meerca Chase II | 960 |
Moon Rock Rampage | 1560 |
Mootix Drop | 920 |
Mop ‘n’ Bop | 1390 |
Mutant Graveyard of Doom II | 1690 |
Mynci Beach Volleyball | 460 |
Neopian Battlefield Legends | 50000 |
Neverending Boss Battle | 3570 |
Nimmos Pond | 3230 |
Nova Defender | 100000 |
Pakiko | 9090 |
Petpet Cannonball | 1450 |
Petpet Plunge | 810 |
Petpet Rescue | 260 |
Petpetsitter | 1610 |
Piper Panic | 8330 |
Pterattack | 3850 |
Raiders of Maraqua | 270 |
Ready to Roll | 110 |
Revel Roundup | 470 |
Rink Runner | 100 |
Roodoku | 1320 |
Ruins Rampage | 880 |
Scourge of the Lab Jellies | 10000 |
Shenkuu River Rush | 1000 |
Shenkuu Tangram | 2000 |
Shenkuu Warrior | 2560 |
Shenkuu Warrior II | 100000 |
Skies Over Meridell | 270 |
Slorgs in Space | 20000 |
S.M.E.L.T. | 1960 |
Smug Bug Smite | 1000 |
Snot Splatter | 16670 |
Snowball Fight | 800 |
Snow Roller | 2000 |
Snowbeast Snackrifice | 160 |
Snowmuncher | 4350 |
Snow Wars II | 870 |
Sophie’s Stew | 710 |
Sorcerers’ Skirmish | 14290 |
Spacerocked! | 33330 |
Spell-Or-Starve | 960 |
Spellseeker | 100000 |
Spinacles | 5880 |
Splat-A- Sloth glitched | – |
Stowaway Sting | 610 |
Super Hasee Bounce | 900 |
Sutek’s Tomb | 2860 |
Swarm – The Bugs Strike Back | 810 |
Techo Says | 340 |
Terror Mountain Tilt | 1000 |
The Buzzer Game | 100 |
The Castle of Eliv Thade | 1890 |
The Great Desert Race | 720 |
The Great Qasalan Caper | 5560 |
The Haunted Shootery | 1080 |
The Last Blast | 2000 |
The Return of the Return of Dr.Sloth | 250 million |
The Search for Princess Lunara | 530 |
The Usul Suspects | 730 |
Time Tunnel | 3330 |
TNT Staff Smasher | 4350 |
Top Chop | 2270 |
ToyBox Escape | 740 |
Trouble at the National Neopian | 1410 |
Tubular Kiko Racing | 1320 |
Tug ‘O’ War | 8334 |
Tunnel Tumble | 3850 |
Turmac Roll | 1010 |
Typing Terror | 3700 |
Tyrannian Mini Golf | 830 |
Ugga Drop | 100000 |
Ugga Smash | 1140 |
Ultimate Bullseye II | 150 |
Usuki Frenzy | 1230 |
Volcano Run II | 2000 |
Warf Rescue Team | 300 |
Web of Vernax | 2170 |
Wheeler’s Wild Ride | 360 |
Whirlpool | 100000 |
Wicked Wocky Wobble | 590 |
Wingoball | 2040 |
Word Poker | 1540 |
Word Pyramid | 2440 |
Wrath of the Snowager | 100000 |
Zurroball | 70 |
Keep in mind that game ratios and score-to-NP conversions reset every month. Use this guide to maximize your Neopoints and find games that will give you the most for your time!