Neopet L54 How to Play
The L54 format is a popular tier in Neopets battling that requires specific pet stats and carefully curated weapon sets. The goal is to have balanced stats and weapons to participate in tournaments or battles while adhering to the strict set of rules governing equipment and abilities.
Pet Build Requirements:
- Hit Points (HP): Exactly 54 HP
- Strength: Between 13-19
- Defense: Between 35-54
HP Tip:
You can use a Starry Pink Birthday Cupcake (awarded when you visit your pet’s lookup on their birthday) to add 5 HP to your pet. A good strategy is to train your pet to 49 HP in the schools, then use the cupcake to reach exactly 54 HP without worrying about overtraining.
L54 Rules:
The following rules apply to weapons, abilities, and pet stats in the L54 battle format.
Weapon Icon Limit:
- Weapons may deal up to 9 attacking icons. This rule applies to the maximum number of attacking icons a weapon can deliver, not the average.
Dual Duty Weapons:
- Dual-duty weapons (those that both attack and defend) are limited to 13 total icons, with a maximum of 9 attacking icons and the rest used for defense.
Full Blocking Dual-Duty Weapons:
- Full-blocking dual-duty weapons can only have 5 attacking icons.
- Shields that block 100% of an icon(s) are allowed, unless they are on the banned list.
Weapon Restrictions:
- Frozen Wave Scimitar and Frozen Water Daggers are not allowed to be used together in the same battle set.
Healing Items:
- Only one healing item is allowed to be equipped at a time.
- Healers may ONLY heal and are not allowed to have any other effects.
- Overhealing healers (those that heal more than the pet’s maximum HP) are limited to healing up to 50 HP.
- Non-overhealing healers (including those that heal more than 50 HP and 100% healers) are allowed. Examples include single-use items like:
- Jade Elixir
- Life Giver
- Amulet of Life
- Lucky Robot’s Foot
- Note: All other single-use items are banned.
Allowed Abilities:
Abilities are restricted to the following:
- Level 1:
- Cling
- Halitosis
- Level 5:
- Shade
- Level 10:
- Positive Thinking
Banned Items and Weapons:
Certain items are prohibited due to their power or unique effects. These include:
- Castle Defender’s Shield
- Dr. Sloth’s Personal Body Armour
- Faerie Tabard
- Ghostkershield
- Grudge Keeper
- Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield
- Mirror Mote
- Thyoras Tear
- Whirling Mopper
- Caustic Potion
- Mud Mixture
Banned Categories:
- Stealers, drainers, freezers, and multi-healers are banned.
- Weapons that deal unblockable damage (except for “true” reflectors that require the icon to hit to be reflected) are not allowed. Examples include the Prickly Potion and similar items, which are banned.
- Battle-related boons from the Obelisk are not allowed.
Despite some weapons breaking the rules, the following are allowed:
- Deadly Pugio
- Twisted Dark Dagger
- Devious Top Hat and Cane
- Sunblade Replica
- Asparagus Dagger
- Fighting Folder
- Kau Knight Helmet (usable only by Kaus)
Additional Resources:
- For information on PAUPER L54, a buyable-only sub-format of L54, check out Noxeil’s L54 Pauper Rules.
- For a list of L54 weapons and sample sets, refer to Skystroke’s L54 Weapon List.
- For a list of past L54 tournament winners, visit the L54 Hall of Heroes.
By following the rules and restrictions outlined here, you’ll be ready to compete in the L54 format. Good luck building your pet and weapon set for the next big battle!