
[ID] IP – 4mNP & 1m Items (Ylanas Blaster)


Out of stock


Username Format: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Age: 10.5 years
Site Themes: 8
Access to Secret Laboratory Map: Yes
Shop Size: 50
Neopoints (OnHand+Bank+ShopTill+Stocks): 4,000,000 NP
Safety Deposit Box: Unique Items: 500 | Total Items: 900

Xxxxxxxx the Darigan Krawk
Xxxxxxxxxx the Disco Skeith
Xxxxxxxx the Blue Kiko
Xxxxxxxxx the Darigan Draik ( LVL: 50 | HP: 125 | STR: 75 | DEF: 75 | MVE: 50 )
Total Avatars: 155
Notable Avatars:

Trophies: Site Event: 5 | Game: 10
Notable Trophies:

Notable Items on the Account (Estimated Total Value: 1,300,000NP):

Ylanas Blaster – 800,000NP
Spectacles of Perception – 350,000NP
Greater Healing Scroll – 150,000NP

Total Neocash Items: 50
Estimated Total NC Cap Value: 44 CAPS
Notable NC Items on the Account:

Kreludan Scenery Background
Space Station Thought Bubble
Sloth Clone Helmet
Grey Faerie Dress
Laboratory Ray Background
Bonfire Night Background
Shenkuu Performer Headdress


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